Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Contraband

The Scene of the Crime
Some Wednesdays after lunch we would go to this nondescript building behind the burger place in front of our building. At about 12:30, a long line would form on the street leading to this place. You would think that they are queuing for a contraband, something that is illegal. Well dressed, some wearing their work badges, carrying their wallets, patiently waiting, some having just just followed the aroma. In this premises, the best-fresh out of the oven cookies or cobblers, pies are lined up, ready to be devoured.

Indeed, it is a perfect picker-upper, those gloomy Wednesdays where there is no inspiration at all. I know, i know, there is the Specialty's Coffee shop downstairs and Farley's Cafe a few doors down. But this place, renders something that is truly desirable. Maybe the defiance to the norm, where the products are beautifully lined in a glass case, tempting the patrons. In this case, the trays are lined in, what looks like cooling racks

This is a new creation, it is a milkshake in a crust, reminiscent of a chocolate drink advertisement, it goes "it is like a chocolate cake that you can drink". Here, it is like a chocolate drink that you can eat.

There is always the romantic in us, desiring tne nonconformist ways, finding the best sugar source.

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