Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thai Food in the Work Hood

We had a craving for Thai food, there is but one Thai resto in the work hood (linked in the title). We were surprised at the attempt to prettify the place, there were curtains that I am sure was not there before. There were not too many people, our food came so fast that it feels as if the food has been pre-cooked. So we were talking to the owner, it turned out that it is their last day. He is retiring from being a restauranteur and will return to Thailand to be a farmer. His son, who is managing another restaurant in Piedmont will take over and convert the place into a white linen restaurant worthy of a Zagat Rating.

There goes the cheap lunch venue, an easy order for meetings, they have been witnessed to some BS'ng at work ha ha. Reportage of yorn, giving assurances that everything will be alright, despite the battle cries outside that damnation is far far from happening and the storm will be over. So for this final lunch, a few hours before the closing, we opted for the specials. This is what I had, rather salty, a combination of fish and shrimp with basil, and beans in brown sauce. Notice the garnish of carrots shaped like a flower.

G had a bowl of chicken with vegetables that looks good. She didn't complain, so it must be good. But then again, she is a happy camper, always smiling. Notice, how Thai food just like other Asian cuisines will have the same sauce and flavor with the vegetables and the meat or sea food that is changing.

While I look forward to the new addition to the list of restos in the work hood, I will certainly miss this no pretense hole in the wall.
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