I am a cradle Catholic. Raised by conservative parents in the beginning of Vatican II. I was very accepting of the tradition of my faith. Have always questioned why things are done the way they are. My love for Him and my belief has never wavered but the church structure I took exceptions. But then it was always, do this or you will go to hell. It was not a promise of eternal joy of knowing Him, but the threat of burning in hell if I don't do good.
There was reverence but no relationship, a very childish approach. As I grow and matured in my belief, I now know one thing, the resistance then, was pride. I resisted because I did not want to relinquish my perceived control of my being. In doing so, my faith then was superficial because I did not have trust in my creator, I wanted to still be in control.
My faith journey will not end here, as I am only realizing these things, grateful for the chance of knowing, accepting, and learning. Thank you Lordy.
you have a good blog
why dont put some ads to gain some money?
Thanks, but I don't think I'd like to do this at this time.
Such a pity that I don't have the same sentiments as I had before. I used to wake up early and do church service, but things have changed since I reached a more mature (or maybe degenerated?) level of religiosity. Not to say that I don't have my faith anymore, I won't ever relinquish my faith and my love, but save from my direct communication with Whom you call Lordy, I feel alienated by the physical church nowadays. I would have wanted to explain, but not all people may understand. Maybe next time...
Don't you think we must take our church and the people running the church seriously? They are also human just like us. I would rather say...I'd like to take my relationship with God seriously. Sometimes, I cry to Him, I smiled with Him, even quarrel and question Him. But He is determined that our relationship will never falter, so here I am, serious with Him.
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