Sunday, August 14, 2005



 Each day we discover new things about ourselves and our surroundings. That is if we pay attention to it, we find that we react to loud noise, that we have sensitivity to such things as light, etc. Things that we are oblivious of because we are in such a hurry to get to our destination. When we get there though, we meander, we wait for the next step, without us even asking why that harried disconnected haste to get there, FOR WHAT?


  1. When do you know?

  2. How is it exhibited?

  3. Will you feel it?

vacuum cleaner sebo

This tells me that my new vacuum cleaner then is 2 years old (today is August 30) and I was planning on writing about it. It was a pretty pricey contraption, true it sucks out dust and grime but I still have to participate in that process.  Iwould have wanted a dyson but I was swayed by the Marketing efforts in that Sew and Vac Store. That's why I like to shop online, no intervention is needed.


Forgiveness is ones ability to think about a person without digging through painful memories

Marketing tactics

These marketing tactics managed to enter our consciousness with or without our permission, through the media, our friends, affecting our choices.

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Elasticity of the mind

yeah.. mind is an elastic thing, it can process everything, from a simple thing to that gut wrenching emotions..

You might say, what has emotions got to do with the mind? A lot. The mind is the center of it all, emotion is not a free willing feeling, this is all dictated by the mind. The mind identifies the real from the imagined, the right from the wrongwhich we react or we allow ourselves to respond.

It is amazing how this powerful blob can affect everything. But elasticity in this blog, a year or so later is not the ability to process anything, bu the ability to view things differently and therefore able to discern things differently. An issue is white, add another variable and it will be grey, dilute it with mitigation, and it is a different story altogether.