Monday, July 14, 2008

Don't get dirty, your mommy will get angry by and by..

Hah, did that catch your attention.  Peeps from my generation will probably remembet that Pinoy comic strip satirizing the Pinoys who only speak English, forcing the help to speak the carabao english, like the pidgin, I suppose.  I was reminded about this because I am relearning English for my editing class and I must say that the language of the queen has evolved.  It is sometimes difficult to move with the times.

Nuff of that, coming back from a blogging hiatus, I find that I am such a romantic that I can easily conjure love stories from a snapshot of someone's life.  My victims are of course K and T. When we went to Chico, I imagined that K fell in love with a farmer and lived happily ever after.  She continued to be a teacher and Frenchified the farmer's house and converted him into a cultured gentlemen taking him to the opera during growing season. Then when she met a Latin guy, a new story has been dreamt. 

So coming back from Mexico, I was imagining that T met the man of her dreams while working with the sisters on a mission.  This led me to the conclusion, that what I will write on this blog, will not necessarily reflect my feelings, thoughts or food, but figments of my imagination.  Afterall, this is an exercise in writing, eh!

Seriously though, there are things that I find bereft of meaning or significance to my existence therefore does not merit a word on this blog.  Some I need to share to get out of my system.  Some I just had to talk about, just because..

So, there you have it, don't get dirty or your mommy will get angry by and by.. he he..