Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Oakland Seafood Restaurant

Last year, I talked about escargot by the buckets from Chinatown. The Filipino equivalent of which is kuhol, although we cook it with coconut milk and ginger.

The picture is from Oakland Seafood Restaurant. The way they cooked the snails is not that great but the garlic crab and the pork belly is just









Sunday, February 24, 2008

People «

People «

Just a quick one to get a better understanding of my culture, maybe a little bit of me.  Last Saturday on a serious :) conversation with a friend, she gently reminded me that I am getting to be too Western for her Asian skin. I hastily disagreed noting that I am Asianizing anybody I associate with and would always inject the Pinoy way of doing things.

gud nyt...

Of friends and friendships..

It is already 1:45 and I am still up. I slept most of the weekend, my numbers were off, lack of caffeine via diet coke, at least that's the only reason I can think of. Hah!

Somebody in the mother ship at work lost a laptop with employee data on it, mine included.  So I had to register for fraud alert with the major credit monitoring agencies.  It sounds ominous reading about lost identity. Just a couple of month's ago, a credit card used by someone to buy gas and telephone cards. Good that the card company noticed the unusual transactions.

Anyway, going back to the theme intended for this post. We have friends and we have friends, people that we love, we gravitate to because of some commonaility, making for a happy interactions. But what if these attributes does not exist or cease to exist, then we begin to find fault. What used to be cute :) or spoken of fondly becomes an annoyance.  But giving in to such behavior will create an imbalance.  But wait, Lordy wants us to love others like we love love him and it is really when it is more of an effort that we are acting according to his wishes. Okay, I better get of the wagon before I get lost in this argument, but do you think that makes sense.

Hmmm, I lost my train of thought, so with that I am closing this post..


Friday, February 22, 2008

Forgive me, I forgive, peace be with you..

Today was not the best of days until the RCIA session. We talked about the Sacrament of Penance and that of the Annointing of the Sick. Two important Sacraments that involves, healing and forgiveness. 

The exercise was that of forgiving and asking for forgiveness. At first brush, it looked like a mechanical exercise, the human in me was ready to say in a Godly tone the "I forgive you, peace be with you line". but as I dwelt on it, it got to "Please forgive me".  An amazing exercise.  Segueing into healing. forgiveness means letting go, relieving oneself of that burden of pain, of guilt...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

T's creation really...

My creation
Originally uploaded by penoybalut

Here are some of the pix when we cooked roti or is it chapati?


Friday, February 15, 2008

Native inhabitants...

I had lunch today with the boys at work, conversation of course led to sports, barry bonds, the steroid trials, etc. I feigned interest. I don't understand any of that, but I understood the theory that fans liked it when the players are performing better than normal. That creates more ticket purchase, higher arena seat demand. There that is economics, but it all boil down to greed. I was glad when the conversation moved to a plan to spray an insecticide all over California because of moths discovered in certain areas that will cause damage to vegetation. The insecticide is said not to have been approved by EPA.

Oh well, we seem to have solution to everything, removal. I seem to remember inherent characteristics in organisms, animals, even humans, that of adaptability. Balance will not be achieved if there is that assistance, to enhance, when it is too much we remove. Hah, life.

As I am writing this, I was reminded the things that I was going to write about in the first place. Trust, without trust life can be a very lonely existence. If we have not found trust in God, then trust is not achievable with others.  I say this because there are people I know who are unable to trust, always wondering if they are going to be taken advantaged of. Older people in this case, would tend to enlose themselves in a tighter cocoon, not knowing where to face. Then comes the loneliness. On the other side of the equation there are those who may not trust fully, but are willing to buy people off so that it will not be too lonely. It is a sad, sad world.

Then there is the issue of boundary, how far are we allowing ourselves to get embroiled in somebody elses problems. I don't have qualms about doing that, it is part of my culture, your problem is mine, not necessarily mine is yours. I remember studying about our the Filipino culture, how we are hospitable to a fault. There is this thing called Bayanihan, where everybody teams up to finish a project, everything gets done, in the process. Where am I going with this, I am recalling my little idioncyncracies that is distinctly pinoy or me.
Like I accidentally dropped dvds unto a mailbox, then i called the post office and asked them to drop it off the video place. Then I asked them to pick up a cake that I paid for from a bakeshop in the neighborhood, everybody's happy, I didn't even get charged for it.

Or when I asked a mongolian resto staff to look out the window to see the phone number of the El Salvadorian restaurant across the street.

I would bargain for a discount even if it is the classiest dept store or would spend time trying out thousand dollar shoes just for the feel of it, then go to Ross to buy the cheap one.

My boundaries, I guess are not in that regard, but more of respect, more of giving the person the breathing room to be themselves. I do let people slip away from me sometimes, I also don't give in to surge of emotions, instincts. Always allowing for the what should. For instance, a friend wanted me to have her extra keys, I pretended ignorance, that should be mom's. I didn't want to ingratiate myself between them.

Yikes, does that sound like a hardsell, please don't look at it that way.  You can tell I am trying to figure out somethings here.


Chapati by Theresa

These days, some of us congregate on Sunday evenings cook and watch movies.  I took pictures of some and will share, it was exciting to make flatbreads, at least it quickly in a pan to cook. Can't figure out how to add a link to the pix.

Anyway, it was a fun activity. Too much time spent on the pix drained my interest on the subject. Is that ADD or what..

The food that we eat, as Pinoy as we are..

In case you haven't noticed, half of my blogroll is on food, cooking, picture, taste, and color. I am particularly taken with this one,, he explores the old pinoy cooking, the way before it was obscured by claims of gourmet origins. please feast on the pictures, it is tame, tame in the sense that I have not seen a fish head or anything like that.  We are a little adventurous with our cuisine, having been influenced by the Spaniards, Japanese, American, and the neighboring regions, like Malay, Chinese, etc. after all there was already a bartering of spices before they came and claim.

Anyway, food will tell you a little bit of our culture. We are also good with our words, we tend to conjugate our own, if we are not speaking in a formal manner. For example in my Filipino class we learned words like, smagol meaning flip flops, I guess they were smuggled in the country from where I don't know, or syurpit, for surefit - the golf hat, more like a visor, I guess it is a perfect fit, here's the funny one, chair is silya, from spanish but in official pinoy lingo it is salungpuwit, literally translated it is catch butt or a... however you put it.  Isn't that rich, now you can stop wondering why my English does not sound like it should ha ha..

Magandang gabi po!

Valentine's day..

Happy St. Valentine's day! I received quite a number of well wishes on heart day, even my Mom played on.  Of course, I thought that they must be thinking that I am a lonely old soul.  ha ha.. just kidding. You know it doesn't bother me, that I refer to myself as an old maid.  Where I am from at 25 and you don't have any defined plans of getting married or joining the nunnery then you are a candidate spinsterhood and wonder your desirability level. I don't buy into those things, but I didn't realize in this society that there is a negative connotation to it, like a loser? bah!

I can't  remember the story of St. Valentine, nor did I bother to check it out. A friend mentioned that it was a little less known saint until Halllmark created this marketing blitz that it is now the second most card giving holiday, the first being Christmas. But why do I recall prison, unrequited love and a piece of red cloth in the shape of a heart, death. Oh well, can someone enlighten me, please. 

When I was younger we try to stay away from those dating establishment before, during, and after the actual V-day. We have this theory that the befores are for girlfriends, paramours, the actual for mothers, fiances, and the after the queridas, etc. ha ha.. no, the celebration is so commercialized that we didn't want to add to the heavy traffic that the event brings.

Friday, finally..

Yes, finally, it was a hectic week but I didn't seem to accomplish anything.  Pssst.. I succumbed to the convenience of wash and fold, although, she folded it differently and didn't use the products I gave her, now you can smell my clothes with detergent a mile away, and I'm not scratching yet.  Laundry has always been an issue with me, I never get caught up. So, I did, sorry it is a big deal for me, I never said I am profound ha ha..

Then, in those days that I was quiet, I contemplated, as I always do. Took stock of myself, like my motivation for this exercise.  I am sure it is not some kind of a megalomaniacal stirrings. Otherwise, I will be walking with head support ha ha.

Hey, I was going to talk about my week, yeah this week, it turned topsy turvy for a while there, the Regional Manager (he is new) came had a meeting with us. Before that, I met with him and a reporting dotted line functional manager. His opening salvo  was that we are going to have a fresh start, hmmm what is this all about, are we going to get re-baptized here.  It turned out that our former manager was fired from her functional role, she is a sad person and have slighted almost all of us.  He said something about work sharing, water came, I tell you. I just hate justifiying myself, I am a misnomer, as I am not aligned directly with any technology nor any tech practice, I like it that way, I have some administrative tasks but I have to be billable 72% of my time.  Nuff, it is boring me already.

 Do you notice, how sometimes we let people in our lives slip away and some we just refuse to let go. It is not that we don't have that emotional maturity, it is because we are comfortable with them.  Remember in previous posts, I talked about conversations, how we shouldn't persist. I think some of us get into this misplaced notion that conversation is measured by the amount of words we spewed out, what we have contributed to the topic. I think sometimes it is not that, sometimes listening is what conversation is all about..

My faith theory..

Sorry about the first post, somewhere between publish and save I lost my entry.  No I didn't intend you to meditate on it and find the answer ha ha.. I was just thinking, sometimes we mystify our faith, such that we lose the reali meaning or appreciation of it in our lives. We have this tendency of dwelling of what we should and shouldn't do, how we manifest or exercise this practice, and wonder why we can't seem to fill that longing.

I think that with so much of that separation or compartmentalization, we fail to integrate it in our daily lives and therefore lose it in the process.  Am I making any sense? I feel that if we pray, as praying should be done (is there a different way:) it will encourage goodness in us, therefore will allow us to accept God's grace and therefore bask in His Glory. Surely we can't be prayerful and still be critical of others, or pray and attend mass and lose that compassion to someone, who is not as complete as we are.

You may have read about a post about a friend's claim that God may have made an engineering mistake with how men and women are constructed and I responded that it is the society's fault and not God's, how we define things. Our inabilities now are a result of what we eat, the environmental damage, and all those things that we traded in favor of profit or consumerism. I remember recounting to someone how I grew up with all natural products, we reuse, but we deal with the insects with DDT and we were taking sulfa meds and paregoric, numotizine, etc. all taken off the market because it is not safe for human consumption.

God provided we just messed it up.  What do you thunk?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My theory on faith...


I attended a birthday party of a friend last Friday met some of her husband's friends, listened, and observed. Heard:
Curry is originally from England

Jesus has brothers and sisters

I didn't blow their bubble, just agreed it was just a party conversation anyway.  Didn't want to break their momentum, now it fit was a real conversation where I am really paying attention and interested in the subject matter, I would have reacted and refuted their facts. But I figured, what's the point.  Anyway, T observed that people can be self absorbed sometimes as they can ignore people just because they don't look interesting.  I opined, could it be generational, that some would like to be validated of their existence.  Oh well..

There is this blog that I am following and he said something like "you love God's laws not God", there is some truth to that we sometimes get hung up with what we shouldn't do or more so what others are violating. As I grow in my faith, I realize that if we are prayerful, then goodness comes naturally. Afterall, how can we pray and then be judgmental about others.

This is brought about by another conversation, I am being caught in the middle of a family imbroglio, money matters of course, friends who has money realizing that their funds are dwindling. That it will not last them a lifetime, it is difficult for me to relate because I work for my existence and my family that I help, not too much but enough to get the extras.

I helped a friend breakdown her "wall" she called it "discipleship", I don't know what it means, all I wanted was to enjoy her company. For her to enjoy life and get rid of that miserable burden that she is carrying. In the end, I asked her how she prays, ha ha.. my answer to all ills, she accepted that her feelings and reasonings are flawed. But this is after we looked at her theories and the facts in a logical manner.  If you are saying you are this, why is it that? If that's the case, why is it that this person has and still she isn't? Life is just so complex.

T observed that people just look at me with such familiarity that they can talk to me about anything. She said that with me there is almost no boundary, proof is I was asked if she is my daughter by a cashier in the supermarket.  Note that she is caucasian and I am as brown as brown can be. That one is funny..

Oh well, life is still great..

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A cute red shoes..

pix200-113.jpgAttended friends wedding last Saturday wore my red shoes, see the pix. That is one h.. of a pain.  And it was raining so the trip from the car to the reception was really a drag. But the wedding was beautiful, it was at St. Albert's chapel, a Dominican order seminary.  It was so solemn, they even prayed in front of the Blessed Mother, that made me cry. 

 The reception was well appointed, sarap ng tsibug, of course in events like that we meet new people, we were seated with a fun amazing  group, one was a pinoy and a couple of SJs, smart ones at that, I got tips on what classes to take on photography and a lecture on discovering our gifts. Discovered the history and culture of Congo, it was great.

That was a happy occassion indeed, we are happy for them, they know each other for 15 years, isn't that amazing?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


mommie.jpgmommie.jpgmommie.jpgIt is my mom's birthday today, of course, she texted me the other day asking about things. But that is a ploy to remind me that it is her birthday.  Then I reminded the clan to make sure that they don't forget.  Hah! No, it's not that we are that weird, heck I text my friends and family that it is okay to call me on my birthday. Without being very dramatic about it, my mom is an inspiration for me she is the best..

 It is also my cousin's birthday, she is my first best friend, we were so obsessed at going to church that she came to our place before 5:00 am and her dad grounded us both from going to church ha ha.. She just mentioned that when she was in grade 3 and she had chickenpox my dad sent her away, because she is contagious.  Only my dad can do that..Her dad shared his love for books. Not just books, but art philosophy, classics, at such an early age. But she sent me a message that says
Hello, okay this might be civilized for you not to ignore..

That was her way of nudging me that it is her birthday..

Friday, February 1, 2008

Just listen..

I was told that sometimes I rub people the wrong way, instead of making sympathetic noises I respond with a solution, ruining the moment. The moment of venting, of self abrogation, of sandbagging onself. I got a barage of frustrated, dismal repartee, whoa totally  unexpected.
Maybe, I don't want you to respond.

Maybe, I want you to just listen.

To let you know, I am hurting.

I was silenced, didn't know how to respond, all I wish is for her to be happy, not to carry that load.  It is unto Lordy, now. Sent through a silent prayer.

I got that, so when I met a good friend from college, yesterday.  Translation we were friends when we were barely in our 20s.  Now, we try to see each other once a year, during our birthday in October, we go to Chinatown, eat and shop. Such simple joys, the best time indeed.  So since we didn't meet last year, she had surgery. We met yesterday, updates.  It's funny that when we reach this age, we talk about hypertension, weight, arthirities, and all the bodily ills, before we delve on life, etc. 

I remember the old days, when we would have a ge togethers at my place, we talk a lot of nonsensical things but never did our faith figure out in the conversation. We go to church and pray in our own private way, but nothing is shared.  Now, we readily agreed that it was His grace that left her daughter unharmed after her car was totaled in the freeway, a hit and run by a drunk driver. How she is approaching her 25th wedding anniversary. It was a happy meeting, too bad she had to go to her appointment and I have to go back to work.

Taxi drivers are men too!!

In previous posts I spoke of conversations with cabbies, some more interesting than others.  This time I am noticing something, it is rare that there are caucasian drivers especially in the morning.  He had to stress the fact that he is and he has a brown passenger when he was out of his cab on the pretext of inspecting it.  Then he accosted my consciousness with high falluting words that does not even make sense.  Hah, doesn't he know that it is a downer especially if someone is planning her day.  Oh well, he maligned the other drivers saying that they are not up to par that they don't bring integrity to the profession.  At the back of my mind, I said "honey, I don't really care for all that BS, I need a ride, when I need it he he..

The other morning, the driver was an African guy who decided that he didn't like the fact that the Catholic Diocese is building a multi-million Cathedral, despite the homelessness and other economic issues that need to be addressed.  So, I said but there are hungers that need to be fed too, like the hunger of the soul. I asked him if he is a Christian, he replied that it depends on what a Christian is. I didn't know that there are different kinds of Christians he he.. I asked if he believes in God, Oh that I do, he proceeded. To silence him I said, it is the practice that makes the difference, how some likes to be God, when they should act like God in their love and kindness.

That did the trick.. I don't really undestand these offerings, the pretense of intellect, that what they are saying matters, frankly I couldn't care less. It is what they are conveying that does, what is hidden in those words and the inflections that come with it.

So the other day I got the same cauc guy, he went the opposite way that I am used to, he said there are other factors that the lake is not an exact circle, therefore it has a differing circumference, that the traffic, etc.  I was quiet ( that is grace, mind you) I let him bury himself.  Then he said would you like me to drop you off the other side of the building, you will have to walk a few, no, I don't want to walk.  So of course it took me longer, later than I already am.  Oh well.. I rest my case..

 What a return salvo huh! that I will talk about cab drivers, etc. Well, this has been a busy month for me, I didn't have the time to figure things out before I started the year, so it is as unorganize as it can be. I know it is an oxymoron, organization and I, it was just an idea he he..

I will be posting more..