Saturday, November 3, 2007

Stirrings, longings of the heart...

Maybe, there is fear of intimacy. No, was my adamant answer. It can't be that, because I do go out, I explore the possibilities. But maybe it is my age or my culture, that I await for what God will bring the one to me.

Yes, I don't want something that is forced, something that needs a lot of analysis to continue. The need for the if, what, how, variables need to be answered. It will have to be a beatiful one, no discussions on each others characters. Beautiful that it almost feels like the Holy Spirit is upon us, then I know we have the stamp of approval. It will something not borne out of a whim but something that we both desire, forever.

JD. the now famous fungus hunter, I don't hunt for them anymore, I buy them dry. I have a jar labeled dried fungus. Yes, Virginia, it is food, mushrooms actually, not preserved Athlete's foot.:) 

Sorry, I got distracted there. Anyway, I was told that he said that when he falls in love it will be forever and that he hopes that the person he falls in love with will love him back the same way. True that things changes, but if it is that strong, it will weather everything.

I was happy when I heard that, because it verbalized what I have been carrying with me for a while, is that sheer naivete, too fairy talish.  Not if Lordy is in the picture. It is not something out of a story book, it is what Lordy wants. One can go on and on with relationships, like trying on shoes, see if it fits, if it does it stays for a while, until it gets overused or too ordinary for comfort. Then the itch for a new one has to be satisfied.

So  help me here, is this possible or is this a good theory?

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