Thursday, January 17, 2008


I saw the movie "atonement" over the holidays and the use of the c..t was part of the plot of the story. As the story progressed I was wondering not of the appropriateness but WON it the word was already being used at the time.   Yes, indeed the word was an old one, has the beginnings in the 14th century.

 Another thing that made me wonder was the use of flashlight, I am so sure that back then they were using torches or lamps and not flashlights with double a batteries I guess.

 Consistency is beginning to be a rare commodity. What ever happened to doing first things right the first time, eh..

Of mice and men..

As I was getting frustrated this week, I remembered that book by Steinbeck who also wrote "The Grapes of Wrath".  He is such a good writer and from California at that! Anyway, the Scriptures teaches us humility, understanding compassion, faith, humility, being less self absorbed, etc. being a bigger person, a man. The more that we are made aware of this, the more I see people struggling to be recognized, to be better than the next person, in doing makes a disruptive existence. 

 Nope, I am not trying to be the big one here, but I am naturally shy, except for the people I am comfortable with, that it makes me cringe when the self persists. It seems that wherever people are, whatever the purpose or the objective is, a discourse arise, because of that id.  It is sad, because we are giving in to the temptation of the devil.

On another note, I was talking to a friend, was it last weekend, she expressed surprise that she was invited and even have a role in another friend's wedding. I said, but you're friends and it is therefore expected. I said, seriously, because I am so comfortable in my friendship with this couple, if they didn't invite me, I will show up, I may not show up in the reception or eat, because I am prideful (I know it is a sin) but I will be in church, I may even ask, why I was not invited and shame them no end.  ha ha..

 Somewhere in this post, there is a point! I guess the premium we put in ourselves need to be changed.  It is ridiculous, it is like using high faluting words, making a statement pointless and nonsensical to make a person sound educated. It is like an uncouth person, a pedestrian dressed in gold.  I can go on and on, but it might offend your sensitivies, so I will just be quiet about it.

Dignity, importance is not measured by what a person does but what he does with his life.

Ay naku...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


At lunch yesterday, conversation led to whatelse but men.  My friend has this theory, now is your chance to refute this, creatures of the opposite sex, that given the chance men will go asunder, they will cheat no matter what. A pretty disenchanted position, don't you think. She went on and justified this theory that values, education, faith, good qualities that makes a person desirable, without the risk of being caught men will cheat.

I was teasing her about a comment she made about her ex that he would drive her against the wall with what I thought are minutiaes, like driving (no pun intended) money matters, economics, education, etc.

There, I was nonplussed, the theory makes sense, for I have seen men who are close to me who would have or have cheated, the call of the loins. A sweeping statement nonetheless, there should be more faith in mankind and a belief that that surely our society is better than that.

2008, I wonder what it will bring..

Our New Year's eve gathering was quiet but I wouldn't say bereft of the usual "kwentong kutsero" and the enjoyable company. Even Ann stayed up late to greet the New Year.  One thing echoed in the table, that 2008 will be taken more seriously, goals will be set, I can't say what, lest you look at me differently.  A couple who are dear to us is getting married, a few equally dear ones will follow, some of us may just plunge in a different direction, not to oblivion, he he.
I wish you joy in your walk, to the aisle, to the altar, unto that door of no return. Yes, to everyone that's is my wish. I also hope that we don't get so tangled with these ideas of what should and shouldn't be that we forget about now, about being happy. That happiness is really not about what we have amassed but what makes our hearts aflutter, what gives us peace and serenity. Like our faith and a deeper relationship with God, with that everything else will follow.

I thought, hmmm 2008 will have to be

  • Healthier, eating better

  • Better organization

  • Completed projects

  • Implement more

  • Write

  • Compassion

  • Be with Lordy more

Color me not!

I am brown and proud of it, who wouldn't ha ha, I have a permanent tan, that's all. But I don't think on that basis, nor is my judgment influenced by my color. Well, maybe in the choice of food, he he.

Nope, I am not trying to stir an ugly discussion here.  I am noticing that no matter how much we say it is politically incorrect to refer to someone based on color it is still present in our cultures it is just called by another name.

I was talking to a friend, of a different ethnic background,  one day, the conversation lead to how much comment we get on the language and culture.  Sometimes the comments are so ignorant that it is hilarious, some have no clue whatsoever about how the otherside lives.  Then we talked about our dating preferences, we both like "boring white men", pardon the expression, it is really not derogatory. We came up with all the reasons, my main thing is primarily, I can't be attracted to someone of my color, it is like being with my brothers, therefore incestous, hello!!

I had to pull back from it all, it seems that the very thing that we abhor being defined by our color and respective cultures is the same thing that is taunting us. I vehemently defended my preferences to another friend one time, it is really not racial, worst is it the "Kingkong" mentality.  For some reason, the point that I was trying to achieve here is lost.  I would appreciate your comments.

I do have caucasian friends who are attracted to olive skin tones, I guess they subscribe to my reasoning? Or is there a need for one?

This post is supposed to be a lamentation on perceptions, categories, preconceptions.  I guess I will have to update more when my premise is more established. Here's to first drafts.

Post Christmas

The celebration of His birth, food, food, and more food, Phantom of the Opera, the Drowsy Chaperone, tears, joy, reminiscing, friends, family, gifts, cards, movies, restaurants, laughter, kitchen, prayers, wishes, and more..

Christmas came and went in a blur, not because I didn't celebrate, it was an overwhelming workweek and then it was time to leave. It was joyful, I heard from friends of old, whom I wouldn't have heard from if it were not for the occasion. Nope, not complaining, that's life, it is mutual, a silent acquiescence to the demands of the day. There are times  when the connection has passed and we want to reminisce the joys of days gone. To get a glimpse and perhaps still grab some of it.  Later on, it became just quiet sighs on the other end of the line, sometimes a quick card without any note, just a signature, when luck strikes, otherwise it will just be a pre-printed name with pictures.

The pleasure, is the bonus of the present, when we are savor the "now", when it is okay to be silent, feel each other's presence, when one can be on each other's face and not get tired of it. The surprise of the enumarable joy that each other brings, filling the void, the hollow of days gone yonder. Makes me want to wish that it is Christmas everyday.

The flipside, of course there is one, there is always going to be one, is the cloud of misery of another life, another being, where only prayer can seem to absolve the pain, the pain that sears through ones gut. Revelations, so painful that to wish for tomorrow is just the right way to do. Then, you shrug it off, dust yourself, and move on.  Ah, tears are shed, but then someone, someone stands up and take charge and says, it's okay, it will all go away.

Oh, where is all that coming from, can I just be in my kitchen, cook and be with friends and talk about nonsensical stuff...

Ha ha, merry christmas everyone, I didn't send out any Christmas cards, this year. Last year my reasons were of being green and thought I would just send out a general email. This year, I have no excuse, I thought I will be able to do so on the plane, but it hasn't even taken off and I was already in dreamland. That's why, you didn't hear from me, I will be better next year, promise.