Saturday, October 25, 2008

It was my birthday..

Yup, it was my birthday last week, it was a quiet celebration,  a reaction to the economic downturn that seems to brew into a recession. I am somehow nudged about this storm that's slamming the country and the world. There's got to be a positive note somewhere, somehow, maybe that of going back to the grassroots, living simply, realizing that consumerism does not make up life, that it is merely a tool. There are things that need to be savored and enjoyed, like our faiths, our lives, and the people around us.

The week before my birthday, I have been cleaning, doing LAUNDRY-my nemesis, the bane of my existence; it took a while to put everything away. That resulted into my downsizing, simplifying, and getting rid of things that I don't need anymore.  Whew, am still not finished but I am beginning to see light.

While doing that, I was able to make macaroni salad (Pinoy Style), recipe below:

crushed pineapple
carrots boiled and squared
pickle reslish
onion finely chopped
hardboiled eggs sliced thinly
salad or elbow macaroni
chopped celery
salt and pepper to taste
pickled bits
boiled chicken shredded

  Portion according to desired quantities. The mixture presents a very colorful, fallish dish. Scoop mayonnaise unto a bowl, drop ingredients individually mixing throughly as you do. After you have determined the right amount and taste, put the macaroni in. Mix thorouly, chill, and enjoy.

Wait, so during Wednesday's Bible Study we had a celebration, then a gathering at a friend's house for cupcake decorating, it was a pleasant birthday. Will update with pictures.

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