Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gadget: Vacuum Cleaner - Sebo

Do you ever feel like you are in a vacuum sometimes, where everything is contained without any outlet or means of relief? It can be excruciating.

Two vacuum cleaners ago, I got tired and purchased this Sebo brand. I would have gotten the Dyson because of this British guy's ad. But I was railroaded by the sales person.  True, I was in hurry, another thing that you shouldn't do while shopping. Marketing and Sales technics really makes you change your decision, another reason why I like shopping online.

The Sebo has its pluses, it cleans really good, but it's not a roomba where it will work on its own, you still have to move your furnitures and do the actual moving of the vacuum to clean the surface.

For some reason I associated it with doing penance, in the Catholic Traditions it is also called confession. Where you actually go to a priest and bring my sins to be cleansed.

How is that for an analogy? :)

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