Monday, September 17, 2007

Cheesecake and shoes, cure for all ills

dscn2335.jpgdscn2335.jpgdscn2341.jpgdscn2335.jpgYeah, cheesecake and shoes, cure for all ills, that is if we've taken care of our spiritual feed.. Anyway we lucked out at dillards in Colorado, something that you won't see in California.  We don't have season changes like they do.  Shoe sales at 75% off would make my blogpal Marie dance with joy haha..

We shopped as a reward for long hours of work, didn't I say that we didn't need a reason to shop for shoes.  I did feel guilty afterwards, as I was reading my book of prayers, it sort of nudged me about overindulgence, that desire to acquire material things to the excess. I have no excuse but just because I am human.

1 comment:

Minerva said...

Over indulgence is not a reward for yourself. It is self punishment in disguise. Don't feel guilty, the more you will crave as it turns your stomach.