Friday, September 18, 2009

Collision Zone Part II

accident arm

A few months back, we figured in a car accident, I have not even completed my insurance claim. The offending car was in a hurry he thought, if he sped up he will make is turn without hitting us. All that to apparently get to a ballgame. We were bruised my friend’s car was totaled, guess it is now with the other clunkers in car heaven.

accident car

We were going to a church meeting and I was carrying a cup of diet coke and a box of donuts, the air bag went off and we were bruised, T who was driving got the cool end of it with a sling and something for her finger. L and her friend had to go for chiropractic sessions. My eyeglasses were broken and grazed my skin, bruised from the air bag impact, and bones aiming to dislodge. I didn’t see my life flash before me, so we were okay. Certain that Lordy is always there protecting us.

Anyway, I figured Lordy wanted us to stop the driver from causing a bigger mess on the road. You know what he said, the driver I mean? He said that it’s normal, that’s what insurances are for. How cold is that? I said, he probably didn’t go to church, and a Sunday at that! Isn’t that disturbing?
The bummer was having to wait for too long to get T checked, I didn’t opt for the ER check, went to my doctor instead for a clean bill of health. It was a drag indeed, but we were able to hang out with another friend who is grieving over the loss of her Mom. L’s friend went ahead with her afternoon tap dance performance.

What’s the point in all these? A reminder that we should be grateful for our lives, that we should be content with what we have for it can disappear in a wink. Most of all a testimony to His greatness that he is always there to protect.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your writing style!!! It's well written.... It's lyrical and it has a point.