Saturday, August 25, 2007

Friday frenzy...

Tidbits: Someone described me as short woman with glasses and it stopped there.  I had to smile, that's not going to take you anywhere, that's too generic of a description.

How many women are there in a group that is short and has glasses.  What if, I was wearing contacts at the time, when the person you were describing me to saw me.  Especially sent in an email, where it does not carry the inflection of  words, that is lacking in content. I say, that the description is too politically correct.  Too flat, monotonously described.

 I won't take offense, if you say short -highlighted (men probably don't notice that) hair, brown skinned, you can even go as far as colorful:).  

Came in late last night, not from partying but from work, can't find my keys, realized I left it in the loaner-laptop-backpack.  Phooey, I hope I didn't leave any traces of me with it.  Wordpress was off line..

This morning, as I was slowly thinking of what my day is going to be, the following words came to mind, knee-jerk, confront, grace, gratitude, love, retrospect, and the rest are fuzzy ones, like laundry, cleaning, prepare for DEN, cook, farmers market, 8:50, all these you will probably read on later.  A good escape from the fuzzy ones, ha ha.

I am a foodie, as such I savor flavors, aroma, and colors  and sometimes would like to talk about it at lenght. But then, if I maintain a food journal/usually what one ate during the day, then you will a picture of what went in my intestines, and that would be too personal, eh.  Not that you care about what I injest, I know.

Hmmmm, have not received any comments of how my commas are faring.  Must be good, but people, cold indifference is not going to take me anywhere.  Engage yourself :)

Whoops, have to get ready..

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