Saturday, August 25, 2007

Good news..

Significant events happening --

  1. The papers are signed, waiting for the key, the last dishes were packed, she is on her way.  To the patio we will soon be, sipping our margaritas, admiring the new paintwork.

  2. The papers are on the way for this couple, deserving a new home to start a family, we will be visiting soon, for a meeting maybe or a get together to congratulate them. They are in the same neighborhood, it will be great if they will be neighbors.

  3. The house is not officially opened, in this abuela y abuelo's casa, but they have moved in this high tech house.

  4. New apartment, she's moving in on Sunday, pretty pleased with her find. She is spreading her wings.

  5. Engagement has been announced, they are getting married a day after my birthday, that is one event that I will always remember.

  6. Studio opening, she had a showing today, still pastel images, digital photography, she has good work.  Will post her site later.

  7. Rekindled love, they are rediscovering their love, with God's grace, they will re-marry.

  8. An amicable custody mediation is almost in the works, we continously pray for its fruition.

These and a lot of other miracles too many to mention, prayer is indeed a powerful deed.  No further testimony is necessary.

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