Friday, April 3, 2009

Of Chairs and Friends

This chair is perched on a credenza in my friend's living room.  Not the center piece really, on her eclectic home, as she has a lot of tasteful pieces.  They are artsy people, everytime I visit there is something new to ogle.  Even their restroom is fancy- artsy.  Oh, I can write a lot pages on their home, but that will make them uncomfortable. What results from my visits is what I wanted to blab about. he he

First there was the yearly white elephant gift exchange during the Christmas season, pampered chef cooking show, then they just had to find a reason to entertain, that they found this table on Craigslist.  The table was covered with this lovely Indian tablecloth from, you guessed it right, "white elephant sale" from the Oakland Museum.

They took pains pairing guests so that it would result in a lively event. Even going through lengths of cautioning the guests that they don't generally pray before meals on this occasions but will not listen to their conversations with themselves during this time.  This along with a little profile about the guests.  I wouldn't be surprised the next time they do this that they say, she is on fb as, or she tweets as, or on wp as.  Ha ha, this world that we live in.

From a museum director to a social director, the dinner that I attended was well paired, I get to listen to the art process of the the artists, truly enjoyable. I must credit my Art Appreciation professor in college, she gave me a glimpse of that world, that never left me. Anyway, that conversation of course lead to food that resulted in our hosting a progressive dinner sometime in May.

Last Saturday, we tested this new tapas place on Telegraph, good not too hard on the wallet, but because I am Pinoy and most of our food has the Spanish influence, I didn't get easily wowed with the food. It was tasty but not new to my palate (no air intended).  This is a sign of a brewing friendship, I must say.  Salute..



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