Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Heralding Easter with Mousakka

Originally uploaded by penoybalut

I was planning on cooking something special for the passover meal mentioned in the last post, moussaka. I never got to because I had to clean, I am perineally cleaning or worrying about my laundry, if you haven't noticed. How profound can that be? So I finally made it on Holy Saturday, boy am I proud of myself, I was able to follow a recipe to the letter, such that I had to go out and get some cloves. And the recipe calls for only a teaspoon of it.

This recipe compliance is inspired by the mostly pinoy food blogs that I have been foraying, since I discovered this wonderful outlet,  ha ha, you can see that half of my blogroll is mostly on food.

Anyway, it came out purty good.. the photos may not have done it justice but it was well worth creating havoc in my kitchen.

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