Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Post Lent, Easter meanderings..

During the Holy Week, I was in a bit of a funk. My arm is bothering me and the cortizone shot didn't fix it.  Being in physical pain, of course didn't help my disposition. I was overly sensitive, morose at most.  So when a friend asked if I disclosed something that she told me, I was taken aback. What that translates to, for me, is she doesn't trust me, that I am such a blabbermouth. Of course, I didn't, now if it were good news or something else I will be the first one to announce to the world, even blog about it, ha ha.

So I carried that pinch in my heart for a long time (and you think I don't have drama) with the pain in my arm, until I felt Lordy hitting me in the head. I almost heard Him say to me, How dare you, expect trust from another human being, when sometimes your trust in me wavers.

Okaaay, that was an instant attitude correction. I needed that when I feel I am strong and confident about what I can, I forget, that it is nothing be Lordy's, not mine, there I am good, hoping to be better.

On another note, I had my first experience of a Passover meal, a "Noble" tradition, that I am so honored to share. Truly amazing, to break bread with them in a holy way. Wowww..


Then during the Easter Vigil, we ushered the new members of the church through Baptism. I am a sponsor to Pam, we journeyed through 6 months of RCIA and there they were drenched in oil, a very moving experience.  Friend T was also confirmed.  During the ceremony, our Pastor,   in his homily said that it is time to forget about arrogance, our self absorptions and be peaceful and love one another, or something of that effect, I was hit again in the jugular.  It was indeed a momentous event, the Holy Spirit was upon us.  To top it all, I renewed my own baptism with people who are dear to me, who has been with me in my renewal of faith. When I rediscovered Lordy.

Ahhhh such a great feeling.

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