Friday, March 14, 2008

Poor service (part 2)

I went to a physiocist, a Pinoy at that, and we didn't even speak a single tagalog word, awkward.  I would have said, bakit ba ang sakit, take the pain away will you.  Anyway, I didn't even attempt, he could have been mistaken for a Chinese guy, but the lozhic (logic) is definitely Pinoy.  The way I deal with these professionals is almost here's my arm, it hurts like crazy and impedes my movement, now makit it go away.  NO, he has to present the choices and give me examples and awaits my decision.  Of course, I opted for the quick fix, an injection, later on I will have to go into therapy and limit my my mousing and keyboarding acitivities.  At worse, I will have to find alternative means of making moolah..

 Oh well, after the doctors appt., it was almost lunch time, I saw a sign that says Oakland grill, I followed the sign and it took me to an almost seedy side of town, where the produce and flowers wholesale district. As I entered the place, I said I will order to go, just want something grilled and easy.  After I ordered, I was looking for a chair to park my rear when somebody said hello.  Okay that's weird I wouldn't know anybody here, this is a little far from my hood.  Who could it be but the person who botched my delivery a couple of posts ago.  It turned out that this restaurant is the owned by the brother who half owns the cafe where I had breakfast catered.  Anyway, so as I was paying, the owner, said he heard about what happened and he talked to his dad, he said my money is not good in his place. They had to recompense me for that stress..

The food is not that great, but how can I complain, they took it away from me because I didn't pay for it.  Oh well, having missed breakfast that day, I'd say it had to hit the spot..

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