Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hot Soup on a Cold Day

This past week has been wet and cold, not your typical early fall weather.  Did we even have summer? So, G, will have to tell you all about her next time, we go out to lunch most Fridays--when it's not crazy. Which is not for me, another topic for another day.

Anyway, we said soup will be good on a cold day, this is the second Friday, when we opted to have soup.  I wish I can tell you the name of the restaurant, but it just escaped my mind and google was not very helpful.  Anyway, I had shrimp wonton and she had beef and shrimp wonton soup.  I must say that I can make better soup than they did.  They tried to make it safe to the multi-cultured clientele that it is bland.  I would have put ginger and a little salt, may roasted garlic.  There is no flavor at all, the warm soup hit the spot anyways because of the warm weather.

I like to make soup, so I know what I am talking about, the broth is different from the actual soup the you're making. It is just one of the ingredients, so it you put noodles or wonton to the broth and call it soup, it is a direct violation of the Soup Standards Treaty, ha ha.  And the fortune cookie says,
For dessert we went to the contraband shop mentioned on this blog more than once, I think. G had cookies and I had this wonderful coconut ceam pie.  Oh, it was heavenly, very thin crust so as not to offend, creamy lightly sweet with sparsely mixed roasted coconut top with browned coconut shavings, sugar, nuts. A good way to close a meal.

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