Monday, October 1, 2007

Lead us not into temptation..

The Lord's Prayer  has a huge impact on me, it's so powerful that I get emotional during Mass, when we are reciting it.  Sometimes when I am think-praying it, a montage of people's faces, people I know and care who are in my prayer request list, moving too fast, hoping that all will be mentioned before the prayer finished.

I say this, because I am praying for her, a very spiritual woman, a mother, a daughter, a wife,  a friend, a neighbor, just her.  She is a strong woman, who was not fortunate enough to have a challenging marriage.  She accepted, struggled, and prayed. What is sad is there is another person, who under the guise of friendship, keeps taunting her, tempting her to break her marital vows.

I pray for her, that Lordy will be there in her moment of weakness, that He will lead her not into temptation. I also pray for the other person, may he realize that he is being used by the darkness.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Being used by the darkness - that is so well said. That gives me a lot to think about.