Monday, October 1, 2007

On making love..

makelove.jpgGot you there huh! Isn't that an act of making love :).  I visited with a friend today, she has a lovely apartment, very cozy and comfortable. As always conversation would lead to sharing of love-God experiences, how it was before we discovered that we are maturing in our faith. Anyway, we have this observation about how we land in relationships with undesirable or individuals that we are incompatible  with. It seems like we feel important, verified, when attention is given to us.  Having been given that attention, we allow ourselves to be manipulated, thinking that it is in response to such an affectionate displays, the attention.  We tend to overcome the signals, the warning bells that spells trouble.

That's why "let's just make love" forget about the ifs, the buts, etc. I have the coins :).  Seriously though, one thing that I realized is we can't do it alone, God has to be a part of it, so that we are able to discern, knowing what He wants from us, then we make the right decisions, the right choices.

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